Player: Sydney Yorgason

School: Green Canyon High School

I have been a part of ultimate for as long as I can remember. My brothers got me into it when I was in second grade, and I always loved throwing with them on the sidelines during their games or just in our backyard.

When I was in 7th grade I played in my first city league and then I officially joined my high school team my freshman year. I played all four years of high school (including two fall seasons), and was a captain for my final 3 years. I was a handler for most of that time, and I had the opportunity to be the center handle my senior year. Along with that, I was awarded state MVP my senior year, and I am now on the state team.

I have loved playing frisbee and learning from so many amazing people around me. Being able to see a team, practically brand new, and then watch us all grow and get better together is really amazing. It has taught me hard work and good spirit. I am so grateful for all this sport has done for me and I can’t wait for the future!