Sign up for Updates:
- Announcements GroupMe – get information on all frisbee opportunities happening!
- Logan High Email List
- Questions? loganutahultimate@gmail.com
- Follow Logan High School Ultimate Frisbee on Facebook.
- Follow Logan High School Ultimate Frisbee on Instagram.
Join us Today!
This fall we will have at least two coed, ultimate teams – more information on our this Logan High Mixed Ultimate – Fall 2022 page.
Interested players fill out this form!
Contact Info:
Christopher Phillips coordinates the Logah High School program – contact him at LoganUtahUltimate@gmail.com or call 801-657-1825 with any questions.
Cache Valley Ultimate
We are lucky to have a fantastic frisbee community in Cache Valley coordinated by Cache Valley Ultimate. Be sure to join the Cache Valley Ultimate Facebook Group and sign up for their email newsletter. There are opportunities for anyone to play – from kids to adults!
High School Frisbee Seasons
- Fall Logan High School Ultimate we play as coed teams.
- Spring Logan High School Ultimate there are separate girls and boys teams.
- Summer and Winter, we play with Cache Valley Ultimate.
Ultimate Frisbee Basics
New to Ultimate frisbee? Check out this page on Gameplay Basics and take some time to read about the Spirit of Ultimate – an important part of ultimate that makes it different from any other sport!
- Frisbee
Any 175 gram ultimate frisbee will work. You can purchase a Cache Valley Ultimate frisbee for $10. - Cleats
It is highly recommended that you play with cleats. Soccer cleats work great for frisbee. Below are a few options to find cleats in the valley:- Used: Somebody’s Attic, DI, or KSL Classifieds.
- Sporting Good Stores: Al’s, Big 5
- Let Al’s know that you are participating with “Cache Valley Frisbee” for 10% off.
- Discount stores: Ross Dress for Less, T.J. Maxx often have good cleats.
Volunteer – Help Needed!
We keep our team costs low, but do need help with different aspects of funning the team. Each season we need help in the following areas:
- Coaching/Practice Help – you don’t have to know frisbee, just a willingness to work our athletes and help supervise
- General Support – , communication support, roster & registration.
- Tournament and travel support – Mostly helping to coordinate food and travel. Some athletes also need rides home after practice.
- Fundraising/Finances – help with finances/team fees and/or fundraising opportunities – we have a list of ideas to start from.
If you are interested in helping out more officially, you can also receive some training to become an official chaperon or coach with USA Ultimate. Cache Valley Ultimate will pay the fees
More information on becoming a coach/chaperone here.
Fees and Financial Help
Frisbee is generally a low cost sport – all you need to play is a disc and some cleats! Most seasons there are some fees for tournament costs and shirts, but assistance is available – just reach out to a coach. Besides team budget available to help, there is also the Play it Forward program from USA Ultimate that can cover some fees – application form here.
If you, your business or someone you know would like to contribute monetarily to our program, Cache Valley Ultimate is an official public charity and all donations are tax deductible. Here is the information on donating to that program:
- Donations can be made via Venmo to @cachevalleyultimate or mailed to:
Cache Valley Ultimate
PO Box 216,
Richmond, UT 84333 - Be sure to include a note specifying it is for the Logan HS Program and 100% of that money will go to help our program. Specify Boys or Girls if desired.
- Cache Valley Ultimate’s public charity status is 509(a)(2) with a tax ID # of 83-3664322
USA Ultimate Tournaments
For some tournaments or events, a USA Ultimate Registration is required. If you don’t already have a USA Ultimate account, you can sign up for one at https://usaultimate.org (Click Join/Login). Signing up is free and we encourage everyone to do so.
Once you signup, you can find information on purchasing a membership here. We generally recommend signing up for the Affiliate Youth Membership which is $17 a year. The only reason you would need the full member is if you plan to pay in national or out-of-state tournaments.
Other Ways to Stay in Touch
- GroupMe Channels
Most of our communication happens through GroupMe – which is an app that you can use on your mobile device or it can send text messages. Here are our GroupMe channels:- Logan High Ultimate Announcements Only
The primary channel to subscribe to in order to stay up to date on updates. Announcements only. - Logan High Ultimate GroupMe Channel
General discussion for all players and parents. - Boys LHS Team GroupMe Channel (Spring season)
- LHS Team Social GroupMe for Player Chit Chat
- Logan High Ultimate Announcements Only
- Social Media:
- LHS Ultimate Instagram
- Mailing List
An email mailing list that anyone can sign up for staying in touch with bigger announcements.
- Other:
- Cache Valley Ultimate
We encourage everyone to sign up for their mailing list to know about events in the valley! - Utah Ultimate Disc Association Newsletter
Sign up to stay up to date on statewide events and happenings.
- Cache Valley Ultimate